Jupas 簡唔到 hku 6963

2007-11-18 6:10 am
點解係jupas 個網度冇 hku 6963 選ge

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都一樣有同樣既疑問. 跟住我搵返係 HKU open day 拎既 6963 HKU BEng 既 file. 入面有一張紙. 佢話:
「Admission 2008-2009 How to apply?
For JUPAS applicants, input any one of these codes: 6200 6262 6339 6987 6975 6999 6391
JUPAS office will inform you when 6963 is available and you can revise your programme choices free of charge」
可能係 HKU arm arm 先搞個 6963 出黎 jupas office 未改到掛.
放心填六個中其中一個 code 就 ok 架啦!
努力讀書!!! =)
參考: HKU Open Day 6963 file
2007-11-18 11:01 am
"With effect from 2008/09, the Faculty of Engineering will introduce the common admissions scheme, through which applicants can use one single code, 6963, to apply for any one of the following 12 BEng programmes:"
即是08-09先會有6963這個code﹐今年07-08jupas是未有的﹐你應該看與BENG 學系相關的CODE

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