
2007-11-17 6:47 pm
我之前係一間律師行賣左層樓,因為維修問題,要hold我地5000,已超過兩年,律師行Still not return the deposit to me. I will to complain, which department I should go for complain:

1. 律師公會
2. Consumer Council
3. Both
4. Any other

For your information, 律師行 need to return the deposit to me after 政府(某部門)發出左維修Satisfactory Confirmation Letter. However, when I sold the flat, the maintenance already completed but just waiting the "Satisfactory Confirmation Letter", it is already two years la

回答 (1)

2007-11-17 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得係 1, 因為你哋d 係自由交易, 消費者委員會未必會理, 但如果投訴到律師嘅專業公會, 佢一定拿拿林同你攪掂佢.

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