
2007-11-17 9:34 am


回答 (3)

2007-11-17 7:38 pm
Already life that a Shen of mine arose later on each time. You well, can already time by the I ......I really fastens the pain with a heart ...(Is good well happy Solve and have) ....Well, know you second to write well , remember I have been remembering place .......The sky already you.. Have a good time? ? ? .
2007-11-17 3:07 pm
As I gaze into the future, without you by my side, I feel nothing but vast emptiness inside me. My heart was ripped apart and I could never be whole again. Day seems too long and everything remminds me of you. Do you still remember the beautiful memories we had shared? I wanted to believe you went to a better place. But my darling, how are you? Do you think of me every second like I do?

我加多左d內容, I got carried away. 希望唔會太肉麻...
參考: self
2007-11-17 11:52 am
Every time when I think about the years ahead being without you, I feel
heart-broken. Are the memories we shared still deeply in your heart?
Are you doing well in the heavenly world?

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