My favourite hobby

2007-11-17 6:00 am
我想作一篇My favourite hobby,咩hobby 都得,越多篇越好,但一篇只可以講一篇hobby~~
唔該曬~~D hobby 最好係女仔D,因為我係girl!! Thanks~~

回答 (3)

2007-11-17 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dancing is a good hobby. One of my classmate love dancing too. But her familly was poor. As you know, we should take the dancing lession if we want to dance well. But she never give up her favourite hobby,she teach others and do part time job to earn money.
I should tell you the truth that, whatever how you love to dance, you should consider our real life.It's because dancing really can't earn much. In addition, did you consider your parents?Have you ever think about how to respect to your parents? Dream is important, but we should also concern the real life problem. That was i want to remind you.
Hopes you to enjoy your dancing life at the performance area.
2007-11-20 6:08 am
my hobbies is reading books.
2007-11-20 1:45 am
Every one also have their hobby, and my hobby is surfing the net. When i was young, i always surfing the net with my mother. Now, i always surfing the net at myself every day.

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