
2007-11-17 4:32 am
有支全木o既oboe(howarth london),

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's probably the reed..........
some notes are quite queer like a,b,c (or sometimes d,e flat)
well, most of the oboist is like that....
if the sound is really more "鴨仔聲" than others
you may ask your teacher to help you to make your reed softer (thinner)
this may help
because if the reed is thick
the sound produces from it will be even worse than beginners...

Howarth london's oboe is really GREAT......
have your good time with it =]

2007-11-18 20:43:45 補充:
My teacher said that some people are more suitable to use soft reeds.....well, just try the thicknesses to see which are you adapt to...A more useful tip : buy more reeds as spare if the the one you normally play broken..=]
參考: I ask my teacher, oboe tse tse, and experiences
2007-11-18 12:44 am
It's probably the problem of your reed. It is actually pretty normal that the middle register (a, b, c) is brighter than other notes. I would suggest you to open up your embouchure (like an o-shape) when you're playing those notes or you can ask your teacher to fix your reed for you. Also, an old reed (older than a week) would tend to make funny sounds when playing those notes so you should probably get a couple of new reeds from your teacher a week before the exam. Good luck!
參考: me

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