Until 同till有咩分別

2007-11-17 3:19 am
Until 同till有咩分別

回答 (2)

2007-11-17 6:45 pm
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until 同 till 係有分別

until 可做 preposition, conjuction
till 可做 preposition, conjuction, 又可做 verb & noun

until 同 till 當 preposition 及 conjuction (都係解 - 直到...為止)

until 無 verb 及 noun

till 有 verb (解 - 耕種,耕作) 及 noun (解 - (櫃臺中)放錢的抽屜,錢櫃,錢箱 / 櫃臺所存現金;備用現金 / 冰磧)
2007-11-17 8:15 am
there is no difference.

We worked until he came.


We worked till he came.

both are correct and same meaning.

2007-11-17 22:16:00 補充:
he NEW OXFORD DictionaryOF ENGLISHtill1preposition & conjunction less formal way of saying UNTIL.ORIGIN Old English til, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse til ‘to’, also ultimately to TILL3.

2007-11-17 22:20:06 補充:
USAGE:In most contexts, till and until have the same meaning and are interchangeable. The main difference is that till is generally considered to be more informal than until. Until occurs more frequently than till in writing—.

2007-11-17 22:20:24 補充:
around ten times as often in the British National Corpus. In addition, until tends to be the natural choice at the beginning of a sentence: until very recently, there was still a chance of rescuing the situation

2007-11-17 22:21:55 補充:
for other meanings of the word, you can look it up at the dictionary.Dictionary is always a good source for learning English

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