選教宗 ~

2007-11-17 12:00 am
陳日君樞機經常批評香港特首是小圈子選舉, 要求全民一人一票選特首.
但天主教選教宗只規定樞機主教才有資格選舉, 而樞機是由教宗委任.
這等同香港 800人選舉特首.
為何陳樞機沒有指教宗是小圈子選舉, 要求由教徒一人一票選教宗 ?

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 10:23 pm
有冇學生, 家長一人一票選校長? 有冇病人一人一票選醫生?
點解要會計師, 律師工會承認一個人可唔可以做個行, 唔係由顧客一人一票選會計師, 律師?
專業人士既資格由專業人士去評定. 呢個人適唔適合做神父, 做主教, 做教宗, 交返比佢地自己定.
你作為一個學生, 有權揀學校; 作為一個病人, 有權揀醫生; 作為一個顧客, 有權揀會計師, 律師; 同樣地, 你都有權揀信邊個教, 或者唔信.
你唔係教徒, 管人地係唔係一人一票做咩?
參考: 自家意見, 歡迎批評指正.
2007-11-17 10:02 pm
in fact at first catholic church agrees that the pope is elected by all people.however many people do not know how to write and some people will try to affect the election for political reasons,and all the priests are educated and they are called by god.( 聖召), so they are elected by priests.pope is the servant of the church and all people, and the election must be under god's 感召and under the lead of holy spirit.


catholic hotline:28850025
參考: me

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