Plz !! 幫忙將呢 d 資料翻譯 ar~~急用 !!

2007-11-16 8:39 pm
[2007-03-15] 入錯軌事件須嚴肅處理


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2007-11-16 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(15 March 2007) Enter wrong track needs serious management
On the day before yesterday, one Tung Chung MTR train was driven to the wrong track, it entered into the airport express lane, MTR had only reported to the Transport Department, and did not report to the public. On yesterday, the incident was shown, MTR explained the cause of the incident was the mistakes of the train driver, and that driver had been suspended.

For the MTR system, any train on wrong track is extremely serious incident, the collision would cause big tragedy. Wrong tracking involves big public benefit, MTR did not report to public, and pushed the responsibility on one staff's operation, they obviously don't care about the serious problem. The government should ask MTR investigate the whole incident and offer more improvement facilities to ensure similar incident won't happen again.
參考: myself

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