請各位英文高手幫幫忙!.. help pls

2007-11-16 7:46 pm
j對學校既事物都覺得很新鮮 新的同學 新的面貌 新的環境 對他來說所有東西都是全新的, j慢上就要面對第一個難題”自我介紹” ee aa “仍然不能簡短為自己介紹, 其他同學開始以疑惑同帶點歧視的眼神迎望他. 選擇一 立即扮成喉嚨有問題的樣子 選擇二 對同學們表示抱歉..
選擇一 - 另一位同學以廣東話和j聊天, 老師聽見發現他對答如流, 開始對他的誠信出現了疑惑. 可能直接影響學科成績
選擇二 老師明白到國際學生的處境, 了解英語不是他的第一語言.反而對他特別照顧.
事後j回家馬上不停溫習英語, 三個月後j的努力並沒有浪費, 係一個期中考試中得到70分, 放學後決定去超級市場買大量糖果, 巧克力, 雪糕 獎勵自己. 晚上肚子發出巨響, 他心知不妙 決定
選舉一 馬上服食一些自購的胃藥
選擇二 馬上乘的士到醫院急症室
選擇三 忍痛繼續睡眠

請幫幫手改為英文 pls

回答 (2)

2007-11-17 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
j對學校既事物都覺得很新鮮 新的同學 新的面貌 新的環境 對他來說所有東西都是全新的, j慢上就要面對第一個難題”自我介紹” ee aa “仍然不能簡短為自己介紹, 其他同學開始以疑惑同帶點歧視的眼神迎望他. 選擇一 立即扮成喉嚨有問題的樣子 選擇二 對同學們表示抱歉..
選擇一 - 另一位同學以廣東話和j聊天, 老師聽見發現他對答如流, 開始對他的誠信出現了疑惑. 可能直接影響學科成績
選擇二 老師明白到國際學生的處境, 了解英語不是他的第一語言.反而對他特別照顧.
事後j回家馬上不停溫習英語, 三個月後j的努力並沒有浪費, 係一個期中考試中得到70分, 放學後決定去超級市場買大量糖果, 巧克力, 雪糕 獎勵自己. 晚上肚子發出巨響, 他心知不妙 決定
選舉一 馬上服食一些自購的胃藥
選擇二 馬上乘的士到醫院急症室
選擇三 忍痛繼續睡眠

The new term begins on the first day
School correctly has been already new classmate's new environment with new appearance that the things all thought very fresh all things have been brand-new for him, j has and faces the first difficult problem slowly soon " to introduce oneself " ee aa " still can't be brief it is the introduction to oneself, other classmate begin in order to feel uncertain with taking expression in one's eyes discriminated against to order meet and look at him. Choose one Play the part of appearances with problematic throat immediately Choose two To classmate express ' sorry '..
Choose one - Another classmate chats with Cantonese and j, the teacher hears that finds that he answers fluently, the doubt appears to his sincerity to begin. May influence the discipline achievement directly
Choose the getting clear situation of international students of two teachers, understand that English is not the first language of his. Especially looks after him instead.
J goes home and reviews English ceaselessly at once afterwards, the efforts of j after three months have not been wasted , get 70 points in a mid-term examination , determine to go to the supermarket to buy a large number of candies after leaving school, chocolate, reward the ice cream one's own. The stomach sends out the loud noise in the evening, his heart knows the decision far from good
Elect one Take some stomach medicines bought by oneself at once
Choose two Took taxi to the acute disease room of the hospital at once
Choose three Continue the sleep very reluctantlily
參考: me
2007-11-16 8:50 pm

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