急!! help me please~~ Napoleon Bonaparte

2007-11-16 3:03 pm
Why Napoleon Bonaparte is important to the history of the United States?

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拿破崙.波拿巴因1803年阿利桑那州的買賣而使美國由東部13州擴張版圖至美國中部,有4個大州及9個州部份地區因此交易而獲得. 拿破崙.波拿巴也在這交易得到1,500萬法郎以應付歐洲戰事.

2007-11-26 10:05:42 補充:
更正: 應為路易斯安那買賣。
參考: 一口氣讀完美洲史-楊利軍著
2007-11-16 6:42 pm
Napole was the order of France
He sold New Orleans and all of Louisian to U.S for 15 million dollar.he needed money for the French Wars
in 1803 New Orleans and Louisiana belonged to the U.S and U.S double in sige
參考: somewhere

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