幫幫手 中譯英

2007-11-16 12:28 pm

1 興趣唔一定可以作為每人個人的終身職業

2 又可能呢一份工/職業唔係咁適合我

回答 (5)

2007-11-16 12:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Personal interest might not necessarily become one's lifetime career.
2. Perhaps this job/career is not suitable for me.
2007-11-16 10:37 pm
1. Your career may not be what you are interested in.
2. Perhaps this job / career is not suitable for me.
2007-11-16 1:48 pm
1) Your lifetime career may not be what you are interested in.

2) Perhaps, I am not the right person for this job.
2007-11-16 12:52 pm
1 興趣唔一定可以作為每人個人的終身職業
A hobby might not be a person's lifetime career.

2 又可能呢一份工/職業唔係咁適合我
I don't think this job/carrer is right/suitable for me
2007-11-16 12:42 pm
1. It is not necessary of people’s interest can certainly be an occupation.

2. Maybe I am not suitable for this job.
參考: me

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