Pls help Contract Law!!! contract between John and Peter

2007-11-16 12:07 pm
John sent a fax to Peter, "Will you sell ABC Watch? Whit is the lowest cash price?" Peter replied, "Lowest cash price for ABC Watch is HK$1,000" John then faxed, "I agree to buy ABC Watch for HK$1,000 asked by you." There was no reply to the last message. Is there any contract between John and Peter?

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, because the LOWEST cash price is $1000, someone might want the watch and offer a higher price then Peter might agree with that deal rather than selling the watch to John. And more importantly, as the one answered you before me, Peter didn't accept the offer of $1000 from John to sell the watch to him.
2007-11-16 5:57 pm
No contract between them, cause Peter dosen't make acceptance.
參考: offer & acceptance are the element of a contract

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