Could our Galaxy been black hole that dispersed?

2007-11-15 10:41 pm

回答 (5)

2007-11-15 10:50 pm
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Our galaxy most probably has a black hole at its center which has a very large gravity which keeps all of the solar systems and solo stars orbitting around it. I doubt that our Galaxy came about due to a dispersed black hole it probably came about by a collapsed star becoming a black hole. This black hole then started drawing in materials from nearby space which in turn created new stars, planets, and other galactic bodies.
2007-11-16 6:50 am
Do you mean that we are actually living in an alternate universe???

No, frankly. If this galaxy had been a black hole, everything would have combusted and pulled apart, chemically and physically speaking.
2007-11-16 6:48 am
no i dont think so
2007-11-16 7:33 am
black holes do not simply disperse. radiate off energy very slowly over billions and billions of years (hawking radiation.. that energy wouldnt create a galaxy (galaxies are made of matter...) and if there was a galactic mass black hole i would assume that would cause some problems and would take trillions of years to radiate away, which is longer than the universe has been around.
2007-11-16 7:17 am

Black holes do not disperse.

Our galaxy formed by material accumulating in a gravitational well formed by Dark Matter.

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