Fat people are in denial and stubborn?

2007-11-15 9:36 pm
They are always saying , "Oh I'm big boned," or, "Hmm, it must be my thyroid." What a crock. Go to any weight lifting club in the U.S.A. and what you will find is all the fat people sittin' in the jacuzzi. They are not being true to themselves.

回答 (10)

2007-11-15 9:55 pm
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Yes, I think some people just want to make excuses. However, there are some who do actually have these problems.

I think the whole "fat acceptance" concept is bullshit, though. There should be more emphasis on creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle rather than making it OK to be fat.
2007-11-16 5:44 am
I think it's the people around the Fat people that is in denial. Truth hurts, and some ppl just want to be polite. "no honey, you are not fat at all"..yeah..right!
2007-11-16 6:27 am
what cracks me up more is when they say "i'm curvy or thick" lol.
2007-11-16 5:49 am
Yup, I'm a former fatty.
But I never made excuses for myself, I was just ignorant about food and lazy.

Ps. the same goes for the people that get cut up in Gastric Bypass, they are too lazy to actually do the work required for weight loss, like working out and eating better, so they cut up their stomach. They can't take credit for that.
參考: Lost 80lbs...look at me now...360 profile.
2007-11-16 5:41 am
Soo what's your question???
2007-11-16 5:42 am
I completly agree!!!

Im 5'2 and 107 pounds!!
2007-11-16 5:51 am
stop making blatant generalisations about others.... your comments may be true about some but definitely not all.

(and giving me a thumbs down doesn't make what I say any less true)
2007-11-16 6:01 am
I assume you are soliciting comments. It's probably a bit more complicated than that. While what you said is true for many, it might be symptomatic of society as a whole: we think we can do just as we please and avoid all the consequences. If the consequences become really, really obvious, we just make more elaborate excuses, and become experts at shifting blame.
參考: Life and a little bit of common sense
2007-11-16 1:19 pm
lol nice rant
2007-11-16 8:45 am
From one who is very obese at 620, I am not in denial at all. I wanted to be very fat and added 400 pounds over the last 9 years. How - I overate. Why - becuase I was happiest when I was very fat and I love my size. I think you will find that most of us who are fat or obese are not in denial. Your statement may be a sterotype or a judgmental comment. If someone comments on my size, I reply "Thanks for noticing; yes, I am fat and I love it!"

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