How do I get my mom to go back to work?

2007-11-15 6:36 pm
My mother is really starting to worry me. She's 55 and she's been slowly neglecting her job. It's gotten to the point where she only goes in one day a week. She complains that she's too "sick" to go to work. She complains that she doesn't have money to pay bills, and when I tell her she has to start going to work, she just says she's feels sick. She is now going to sell her car, for less then it's worth, so she has money for bills. I asked her what she's going to do after that, and she just says I don't know. I feel like a parent trying to get their kid to go to school. What should I do?

回答 (5)

2007-11-15 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If she keeps crying she doesn't feel well enough, maybe there's something seriously wrong with her. Take her to see a doctor. If you find there's nothing wrong with her, she's just being lazy. If she wants to be 55 with nothing going for her, that's her decision, she's a grown woman. You can't make her want something for her life if she doesn't care about it.
2007-11-16 3:12 am
Yes, she's probably going through depression, she needs help and need to see a doctor. Don't let her sell the car because she won't be able to go to work with a car. Can she do some child care at home so at least there'll be income?? How old are you? Can you work to help her out?
2007-11-16 2:48 am
Sounds like she's going to some depression, or menopause. Ask some of your women relatives to talk to her about that subject and get some help or hormone therapy before she sells her car or anything else she posses.
2007-11-16 2:43 am
It is really hard when your parents are making mistakes. They act like children but you can't treat them like children. I suggest just being very up front with her and letting her know that if she looses her jobs or when the money from selling her car runs out, you and no one you know has the money to help her.

Secondly, is she really ill? Has she gone to Dr's? Is she suffering from depression or mental illness? Does she need to see a therapist or psychiatrist?
2007-11-16 2:40 am
It may be hard to see her doing this,
but its her problem
and as her child you should be there for her,
but not trying to fix it.

She might be suffering from depression.
or something at work is bothering her.

Try talking to her.
<3 Good luck

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