What is the best way for a drug addict to overcome his/her addiction?

2007-11-15 6:15 pm
I am NOT talking about BEING THE ONE to do the best way to stop a person's addiction.
I am talking about, the BEST WAY an addict person can do to overcome his or her addiction.

I have a lot of cousins and relatives who are taking drugs and I know that I can never stop them with that because it will only be them who can stop themselves.
We are all close and they think that I don't mind about their addiction but deep inside, it still bothers me. I still act friendly to them and even joke around with their addiction and laugh about it sometimes. This way is just better than trying to insult them because I can not stop them anyway.

I already experienced stopping them before in ALL THE BEST I COULD DO like confronting them, not giving them money, hiding all valuable things that I know they will steal, driving away bad influence friends and cutting off their communications, helping them out find work!, giving them activities that will make them busy, etc...

and all was just a complete failure until I become immune with their bothering addiction. These drug addicts are sometimes violent but NOT TO ME because I am highly respected by most (because of being the BREAD-WINNER ugh!) and they will not show up if they did something they know will displease me. But still I tend to know what happened because people tell me the truth. I don’t know what else to do but still I just want to motivate them somehow just like a little advice but not really commanding or forcing them. I don’t really know what should be done or what should happen. The environment is just so unfriendly and this problem is like an EVERYDAY problem. I’m getting fed up seeing these people with red eyes and guilty gestures, etc…


I was thinking about moving to another environment but I think there are drug sources everywhere you go. I’m just afraid that my young cousins and little nephews will be influenced too. And I still want to save my cousins with the same age as mine though. I’m a young adult by the way. What things can an addict do to overcome his or her addiction? Or… What is the best way to do to stop these addictions…?? Any suggestions on how to stop DRUG addiction? I don’t know if it should be me or other people who will make the move or stop these sources or should it be these drug addicts themselves that should make the moves, etc...


I really need help here… It would be a great help if I receive answers from people who have experienced addiction or atleast people who knew drug addict persons who have changed. Please do not answer if you will just be saying something superficial. You might answer something I already know. I need MATURE and DEEP ANSWERS from experienced, civilized people. This is a serious question and just look for another question if you want to earn 2 points. Please respect this. Thank you.

回答 (7)

2007-11-15 7:01 pm
There's no quick fix. Secondly you should stop pretending it doesn't bother you and quit joking about it with them. They need you as a more positive role model. They need to decide to change, to start a new chapter in their lives. Unfortunately dead end jobs, and fruitless activities may not be enough. They need inspiration to change, in my view. Rehabs may be a good idea, as long as they are not depressing, they should bolster self-respect and not self-pity. Sometimes these places seem to just confirm to the addict that life sucks. That's no good. Ask them if this is really what they want in life, then show them the question you asked here and the answers you got.
2007-11-15 6:37 pm
I only want to say you have a big heart and you have my respect in try so hard to help your cousins. However, number one thing is you have to seperate the younger non-affected cousins with those who is already drug addict. Yes, its a bit harsh but necessary, like those sick fishes, we have to put them in a hospital tank, so that it won't spread to the good ones.

Secondly, I think you don't have the expertise to handle the whole thing (what I mean is you probably do a lot of research or read some books already.) but it'll be very hard to face the whole thing alone by "just" yourself. You need an expert / specialist to work with and guide you step by step. It's true the only one can change it is themselves, unless they want to make a change otherwise nobody can make them change, so you also need to be prepare it may not be successful.

I watched a program before, the social worker also do something like what you're doing, he's not asking them to quit doing drugs, but keep arranging activities for them ( he does it by music), they keep the band a healthy one. He still said not every case is a sucessful, maybe it's only 1 out of 5, but he keeps doing that because he said when you safe one is one instead of none. So it also takes lots of patience as well. Good luck.
2007-11-15 6:33 pm
I've been clean for almost 9 years. My family didn't sit me down and talk about it or force rehab on me even though I know it was killing them to do so. They were subtle, they used to reminiss about the past and show me pics of what i used to look like compared to then. They always told me never to drive and all that and showed me how much they loved me and they did tell me they didn't like me doing drugs. Then 1 night I just looked in the mirror started crying dumped my stuff and never looked back.
2007-11-15 6:32 pm
I know what you are going through!!! I'm not going to make my answer super lengthy (you can email me if you like). But I have done everything you have done to try and stop some of my family members too (suggesting rehab, giving money...everything).

This is what I have learned from it....They will stop when they are ready. Basically they will have to hit "rock bottom". The only thing you can do is be there when they do. That is when they will need you the most!

I would move. That's what we had to do. One to get away from people who were bugging us for $$$ and I just didn't want to be in that environment anymore! It was the best thing I could have done. It will be safer for your family too (safer meaning your children won't become influenced by their cousins, etc.)

Let me know if you have any other questions on this matter. I will be more than happy to share more if you would like.
2007-11-15 6:29 pm
A lot of people have given up drugs and such without rehab centers. Many have been to several rehab centers. Most of the ones who have given up their addiction are people who have given their lives to Jesus. Jesus took the addiction from them. Sometimes they are still tempted, like we all are tempted to do things we shouldn't, but they say nope, I've given it to Jesus and I'm not taking it back. Others have never been tempted again.

Something you can do is tell them you will no longer hang around them as long as they are doing drugs. No laughing about it with them, because it's not a laughing matter. Tell them what they are doing is destroying their lives, and you will not hang around and watch them do it. If they want to destroy their lives, they'll have to do it without you.
2007-11-15 7:01 pm
Rehab away from friends, associates, (dealers),and sometimes family and old surroundings...
I know, I helped a co worker get help & it jumpstarted him off to a new and wonderfull life and better Employment.
my opinion...
2007-11-15 6:23 pm
Drug addiction is a disease. The best way to stop? 1st they have to be ready to and the only person an addict can make that decision for is themselves. 2nd: find a great rehab facility. I recommend a 90 day in-patient facility.
Most importantly for everyone close to the person, STOP ENABLING the behavior. If that means shutting that person out of your life, although its hard and seems harsh, that's may be your answer to at least start you on a more sane track of life. You can't control a drug addict.

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