Please help!!!!!!?

2007-11-15 6:01 pm
basically one of our family members have gone missing and Itherefore need to know that if you any of you lot know how to track a mobile phone device because all I have the persons mobile phone bnumber. The persons parent s are really worried for her please help me. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tryed many ways( e.g. searching on google and any other search engines).

回答 (6)

2007-11-15 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know how to track a cell phone ping. But I do have other suggestions. I suggest notifying the local police, if you haven't already. The parents need to call the Detective on the case on a daily basis and ask for an update. Call the local newspapers, local TV news stations etc.., and see if they will air something for you. Contact churches, women support groups and any local agencies you can to help you in searches, put out posters etc..,
The more attention you can get on the case, the better. Also you want the missing person to know that you did everything in your power to locate her
Good Luck!
2007-11-15 6:04 pm
call the police!
Cause your posting makes you sound like a stalker
2007-11-15 6:12 pm
Stop wastin time and call the cops.NOW
2007-11-15 6:06 pm
im not sure if there is a way....
im srry for your lose.
2007-11-15 6:04 pm
i hope you told the news media and reporters ..GOOD LUCK at finding them..
Send out fliers,call family and friends and ask their help
2007-11-15 7:02 pm
??? I have so many question in my mind when I read this:

#1. It's your family member and you only have a mobile number??? Does he / she goes to school?? Even work??? Even her parents don't know any information about that? Even her parents has only the mobile number??? So maybe it's not that close afterall.

#2.) If one is so concern I think even an elementary kid will tell you call the cops, why wasting time here??? The cops probably have a much better network.

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