Im sad and it hurts badly?

2007-11-15 5:46 pm
Ok my names sara and when I got home yesterday my mom had told me she got fired but it wasnt even fair the reason why.She had a partener at her work and she not only had to do his job but his to and they didnt even take that into account of why she couldnt do her own job,She was crying and upset and now im worried but our house rent it 700$a month and now she doesnt have a job witch means either she has to find a new one asap to pay this months rent or get a new job that pays the same and not only that but I got a smoking ticket which is 147$ I didnt tell her yet because she just got fired so please help how do I help her Im 15 please please

回答 (25)

2007-11-15 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
are you able to get a job? i know around where i live (pennyslvania, usa) you can get jobs at 15. i think this would help her out a lot and show a lot of responsability on your part. contact the people you pay the fine to and see if you can set up payments. tell your mother to either contact a lawyer and explain the situation or go to the unemployment office and apply. she should also talk to your landlord, they may be willing to give her an extension on the rent or let her pay half now and half over a few months.

hope this helped!
2007-11-15 6:50 pm
I'm sure your mom can find a new job. You better stop smoking and take care the ticket yourself. I'm sure you can talk to the court or the authority, they allow you to make payments or do some community work to offset it. Learn your lesson. Also you can help your mom to do some chores around the house like cleaning up, cook her a dinner (or at least make her a sandwich. etc.) to make her feel better.
2007-11-15 5:56 pm
Well know you know that you shouldn't smoke until its legal for you. You will need to tell your mom about it because she will be held responsible for it - at least in most states.

I don't know if there any jobs (legal ones) you could get at 15, check with a school counselor.
Maybe you could have a yard sale or craiglist some of your stuff to help get enough money to pay rent.

I know that sucks, but I was homeless from age 17 to 19 - I was emancipated at age 16. So I lost everything that wouldn't fit in a backpack. -Oh and I still went to high school everyday (almost) with my bag of stuff. It's just stuff, someday you'll get more money and can buy more.
"Sometimes you have rear back to get ahead."
2007-11-15 5:53 pm
Hi Sara, I know its tough and I've gone through what your mom went through only my coworker was a drunk that NEVER came to work and the boss got tired of me and the other manager complaining about it and fired all of us.... Not fair considering I got paid a set amount and worked 16 hours a day on salary and I was the first employee and was supposed to take over the company one day (my uncles business). Anyways, you are very mature for your age, worrying about your mom (not the smoking thing, that is not good!). Ask your mom if you can talk to her. Say "Mom, I know you are sad right now but we need to pull things together so we can live here. Can I do anything to help?" and that will mean the world to your mom. Seeing that you are there for her and to back her up will make her proud. You can then tell her about your ticket calmly by saying "I mean what I just said but I also need to talk to you about something that I did... How can I find a way to pay off my ticket so you dont have to?" I think you should go around your neighborhood and ask if they have any cans that you can recycle for money. You would be surprised how many people throw these cans in the garbage or in the recycle bins because they dont have time to do recycling. I fill up my HUGE recycle bin with soda cans and my neighbors do too. I could probably get hundreds of dollars in a month just by recycling the cans in my neighborhood. Ask your neighbors if they need help with yard work and what they could pay you for it. Maybe someone needs help scooping cat poo, vacuuming... but you really should try to make the money to take care of your own ticket. Doing so will make you appreciate your mom a bit more and will also maybe burn something into your brain not to get into trouble! :)
2007-11-15 5:53 pm
It hurts very much when someone gets let go from their job, you figure that in a sense "is a shattered investment of time."

I know you feel for her right now, but she needs support.

Do you have other family to call on? To start a support campaign persay?

An Uncle or Aunt, that can help out? Grandma or Grandpa?

Someone else needs to intervene here. You cannot take this burden on alone (as well as she cannot)

This is overwhelming and needs a show of love and support.

You can be the one......start the fire going.
2007-11-15 5:53 pm
I sure wish you had not got that ticket! Your mom is got enough trouble right now and this sure will not help things out.
Truly there is not much you can do but go and try to get a part time job yourself and try to at least pay off your ticket.
Your mom will have to do it herself. Getting fired is not a good thing because most the time you cannot even collect your unemployment but then it would take too long to get it before the rent any way.
She will just have to find another job and you could help by finding something yourself. That is all you really can do to help and maybe tell her you love her and that you both will get though this no matter what and that you still have each other and that is all that really matters.
2007-11-15 5:52 pm
That's why they say you need to have money saved up for emergencies. This would be one of those emergencies. Your mother needs to get herself a job NOW and you need to find a way to pay the 147 on your own maybe. If she got fired over someone not being able to do their own job, can you imagine how she'll feel when she finds out she has to pay for someone else's stupidity?
2007-11-15 5:51 pm
She needs to get another job ASAP. That's the only way to pay bills. You need to get your act together and stop getting tickets and throwing money out the window. You're 15 and you already got a ticket?? C'mon. Take responsiblity. Get a job and pay for your own ticket or go to court and tell them your have no money and you'd like to work it off with community service. Your mom needs to get a job ASAP....if she won't have money to pay for this months rent...she'll need money to pay for next months rent...the only solution is a job.
2007-11-15 5:50 pm
That's something your mother, as a parent, and a responsible adult should be trying to figure out. Not you. You should be focused on your school academics and stop smoking. Your mom should be hitting the work force - agencies, enrolling in temp agencies and doing all she can to find her another job. No need to "lay down and die now." I know it's probably tough, but you both will get through this. You can tell her about the ticket when your mom gets a new job. What you can do, is, pray constantly until your prayers are answered. You will see, your mom will have a job because GOD provides.
2007-11-15 6:01 pm
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your mother. For the time being you might consider helping your mother out financially by taking part time jobs, perhaps baking some cookies to be sold, babysitting, etc. Just do your best. Also it may be a good idea to come clean with your mother about the smoking ticket. Being honest will help you feel better and will also help your mother trust you in the long run. If you want to do more, perhaps you could even enlist the help of your friends at school to help your mother scout for a new job.

Alright Sara, take care and be strong. =)

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