is chinese a large spoken language along with english?

2007-11-15 11:04 am

回答 (9)

2007-11-20 6:36 pm
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Yes, it is. It is because 95% of mainland’s vast Chinese population are "Han" by race. Who speaks Mandarin (meaning the language of Han) either by native tongue or by training (the only official teaching language in all schools in the country). Despites, 1,000s of different dialects, their writing remains the same (except for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, which are the only places left using a similar Traditional Chinese writing).
Hope this helps answering your question.
2007-11-15 12:01 pm
You do know that China holds about 1/5 of the world's population, right? That does not include Chinese speakers outside of the nation.
Some could nitpick about dialect and all, but it is the largest spoken language.
2016-09-29 6:57 pm
yet do many foreigners talk English properly? I artwork interior the workstation marketplace, and this marketplace interior the U.S. has many immigrant workers. i'm fairly good with accents and languages (I talk 4 languages), yet a lot of those immigrants talk English with this style of low point of fluency that it continues to be complicated to talk with them. Even worse is while 2 immigrants with distinctive community languages attempt to talk in English. I see this phenomenon daily. English is a complicated language to learn as an grownup by using fact it has thank you to lots to memorize, too many inconsistencies. English is dominant desirable now by using U.S. commerce dominance. yet i think of it is falling. Too a lot of our toddlers do not bypass into the technical fields. further and further of our production is going to different countries. i think of interior the subsequent 50-a hundred years we will see the dominant language of world commerce swing over to Mandarin.
2007-11-22 7:06 am
As China increasingly is seen as a growing business power, interest in learning the Chinese language had rocketed, and dominance of Chinese over English will be a long time coming. More and more people begin to learn Chinese, because here is clear career potential for the future. help you learn easier and faster. Check this site it may help you learn Chinese easier and faster. Good luck!
2007-11-20 3:16 am
Yes, because there are so many Chinese people! As far as outside China... Not so much
2007-11-18 2:46 pm
This is an interesting question. Chinese is the language of the biggest population on Earth and therefore it is the biggest spoken language, that's if we do not scrutinise the facts carefully. Chinese dialects are spoken in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and other regions with Chinese communities and the total number of speakers is around 1.3 billion. However many Chinese dialects, namely Cantonese and Mandarin are mutually unintelligible and therefore do not constitute one language. The interesting thing is that they also use the same pictographs so when reading and writing it doesn't matter- this is also true to an extent for Japanese kanji, taken from Chinese too. The main Chinese "languages" include
Mandarin: Wu:Cantonese: Min: Xiang: Hakka: Gan:
(I stress not mutually intelligible) and in China we also find Tibetan, Arabic, Turkic languages, Manchurian and Mongolian dialects amongst others.
Given these facts, along with geographic location English, Spanish and Arabic beat Chinese as being "widespread", however it is subjective to how one defines things.....
Hope that helps!
2007-11-15 5:45 pm
China does hold some 1/5th of the world population. At least half of the country can speak Mandarin. So yes, definately one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
2007-11-15 11:03 pm
chinese is not the international language because most of it is only spoken in china and the sorrounding area. but it is the language with the most speakers followed by english and then spanish. then in random order for i know not the real order are german french italian and some other languages that i cant think of right now
2007-11-15 2:26 pm
chinese is the universal language dude.
english is just widely known because its easier to learn than mandarin.
參考: im 1/4 chinese

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