see, watch, smell, hear 有無ing form?

2007-11-16 6:45 am
see, watch, smell, hear 有無ing form?

回答 (3)

2007-11-16 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
先說 SEE

是可以的, 但應要留意想表達甚麼意思:

see 如解作用眼睛 look at, 是可以的, 但如果意思是發現、明白、考慮 ( notice, understand, think about), 便不可以. 看看以下例子:

A: "What are you doing now?"
B: Well, I am seeing someone fighting. Really interesting! (我睇緊人打交, 好精彩呀!)

C: Anything wrong?
D: I can see someone fighting inside. Please stop them! (我發現有人正在內打鬥, 快阻止他們!)

E: Do you see what I mean?
F: Ya, got it.

G: Wanna go with me this afternoon?
H: Let me see.
H: No, sorry. I' m seeing John at around 4pm. (=和 John 有約會, 即將去見他, 留意此處的 be seeing 與眼睛看東西的意思無關)



I watch someone doing something.
I watch TV every day (not see TV), but I'm not watching TV at this moment.
I see / watch a good film last night.


通常不用 ing form 的, listen to 才會較多使用 ing. 如你已明白上述 see 的例子會較易掌握, 看以下例子:

A: What's wrong?
B: Well, I can hear those guys arguing again. (NOT: I am hearing them arguing)



A: What's wrong?
B: Well, I can smell someone smoking. (NOT: I am smelling ...)

C: Are you cooking?
D: Ya, making garlic soup. My hands smell of garlic too. (NOT: smelling of)

2007-11-16 14:40:55 補充:
補充 SEE:1) better say: I am WATCHING someone fighting..][ see ing for a film / play etc.2) Is see seeing anyone at the moment? (=Is she having a ROMANTIC relationship with someone?)

2007-11-16 14:41:49 補充:
1) better say: I am WATCHING someone fighting..][ see ing for a film / play etc.

2007-11-16 14:42:30 補充:
(不來出不了加號!)1) better say: I am WATCHING someone fighting..][ see PLUS ing for a film / play etc.

2007-11-16 14:43:13 補充:

2007-11-16 14:44:50 補充:
補充參考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

2007-11-16 18:27:08 補充:
◎最後修正◎1) better say: I am WATCHING someone fighting. *see 加 ing 用於 a film / play / drama etc.2) Is SHE seeing anyone at the moment? (=Is she having a ROMANTIC relationship with someone?)3) I sAW / watchED a good film LAST NIGHT. 才對!

2007-11-18 14:39:07 補充:
原文有錯漏, 請注意◎最後修正◎部份
2007-11-16 7:06 am
yes- when it is in present continuous sense.
for example: I'm seeing a film
I'm watching TV
I'm smelling the flowers
I'm hearing the bell
參考: me- I have lived n studied in UK for 15 years
2007-11-16 7:05 am
please ask your question in a more specific way.

see seeing saw seen ( of course, there is ing form)
watch watching watched watched
smell smelling smelt smelt
hear hearing heard heard

But if you are asking if there is any ing form after these verbs, then the answer is still yes.

You can say:

I see John swimming. ( I see John swim. ) Both are correct, but there is a difference in meaning.

I watch John playing basketball. (I watch John play basketball.)

I hear Mary singing. ( I hear Mary sing.)

I smell something burning.

This is a question of using whether [infinitive] or [participles].

You can ask your teacher to explain the difference to you.

2007-11-16 00:18:19 補充:
feel a bit sorry to read [ I'm seeing a film] because usually we use [watching] a can use [I am seeing Mary home] to mean [I am protecting Mary to go home].

2007-11-16 13:21:23 補充:
We usually do not use continuous tense for [see] and [hear] because the action is involuntary, but if it means another thing, then you can use continuous tense.For example: The judge is hearing the case.

2007-11-17 23:06:02 補充:
To: kenyes, it is always good to look up the dictionary for the use of words.There is also [usage] books too.We can ue these tools to learn English

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