Maths .

2007-11-16 5:45 am
Q.1 After a 10% discount, a pen was sold at $5.4. Find its selling price if the discount%changes to 20%. @^.^@

Q.2 An article is marked for sale at $500. The shopkeeper give a discount of 5% on this price and still makes a profit 25%.Find the cost price.@=.=@

Q.3 John deposits %50000in a bank at R% p.a. simple interest for 4 years. If the inter rate is 8.5% p.a. and the period of deposit is 6.5 each year , the simple interest obtainedd will be $2375 less. Find the value of R.@!.!@

回答 (3)

2007-11-16 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. The original selling price = 5.4/(1-10%) = 5.4/0.9
If the discount % changes to 20%, the selling price
= 6 * (1-20%)
= 6*0.8
= $4.8

Q2. The selling price = 500*(1-5%) = 500*0.95 = $475
Cost price = $475/(1+25%)
= 475/1.25

Q3. What's meant by "the period of deposit is 6.5 each year "??? You mean the period is 6.5 month each year???
2007-11-16 6:48 am
1)Marked price of the pen
Selling price of the pen
2)Selling price of the arcticle
Cost price of the article
=Selling price of the arcticle/(1+25%)
2007-11-16 6:31 am
Q1 --

Let $x be the original price of the pen,

x (1-10%) = 5.4
0.9x = 5.4
x =6

The selling price if the discount changes to 20% :

6 (1-20%)
= $4.8


The price of the article after the discount:

500 (1-5%)
= $475

Let $x be the cost price of the article,

x (1+25%) = 475
1.25 x = 475
x = 380

Q3 --

50000 x R% x 4 - 50000 x 8.5% x 6.5 = 2375
200000R% - 27625 = 2375
200000R% = 30000
R% = 0.15
R = 15

∴The value of R is 15.
參考: =]

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