
2007-11-16 4:50 am
本人第一次去日本,唔知去東京好定北海道好?大約 1 或 2 或 3 月去,想睇雪又想睇櫻花。大約去 6 日,跟邊間好?大約幾錢?

回答 (2)

2007-11-16 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will suggest you to goto Hokaido as I refresh my memory taht it was snowing at the end of Novenmber and it was very romantic.
You can aslo visit the canal and eat the Long legs crab there. The people there will be much nice than in Tokyo.
Join the package from cathay pacific and the price is OK, at least it is direct flight from HK to there.
2007-11-17 2:00 am
如果想Shopping ,玩主題樂園,玩機動遊戲去東京

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