
2007-11-16 3:25 am

Find the principal that will amount to $13156 after 73 days if simple interet is calculated at an interest rate 6 % p.a (take 1 year = 365days)

回答 (3)

2007-11-16 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let $P be the principal,
Amount = Principal×(1+interest×time)
P (1+6%×73/365) = 13156
P(1+0.06×0.2) = 13156
P(1+0.012) = 13156
P(1.012) = 13156
P = 13156/1.012
P = 13000
Hence,the principal is $13000
2007-11-17 5:59 am
=13156 ÷ (1 + 6% × 73/365)
= $13000

**上面 雨晴 計的是 compound interest, 並不是你想要的 simple interest,敬請注意!
2007-11-16 3:32 am
Your money = $13156 / (1 + 6%/365)^73
參考: ME

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