我有一篇關 蝙蝠俠既中文改為英文文章..(急急急急)20點!!!

2007-11-16 1:42 am

書中都有包括他的背景, 童年時親眼目睹雙親被暴徒殺害 , 蝙蝠俠小時是個孤兒,平常的



蝙蝠俠是一個不怕壞人的英雄 , 書中他是一位經常幫助警察破案的英雄。


係英國, 佢係好受小朋友和大人喜愛的人物。

回答 (3)

2007-11-16 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

書中都有包括他的背景, 童年時親眼目睹雙親被暴徒殺害 , 蝙蝠俠小時是個孤兒,平常的



蝙蝠俠是一個不怕壞人的英雄 , 書中他是一位經常幫助警察破案的英雄。


係英國, 佢係好受小朋友和大人喜愛的人物。

I am inferior, want to introduce for everyone, and to connect the man of
chivalry of bat.

The man of chivalry of bat who witnessed might the content of all his backgrounds in the book, and the murder of the mob of parents in the boyhood usual the time orphan.

When he is rich, and puts on clothes of bat of the charity by him, he is a sinful killer, and an incarnation of the justice. It became the man of chivalry of bat.

The man of chivalry of bat makes the justice known to the United States by and piece and
takes a hit on a super-hero of the crime.

As for the man of chivalry of bat, one bad man is a hero not scary, and he helps the hero to whom 1st place always solves policeman's criminal case in the book.

However, he also has her of gentle 1 and him.

Britain is connected, and it is a person of the good feeling of the child with
a pleasant 〓 faculty and the adult.
2007-11-16 1:54 am
一個晚上,高譚市(Gotham City)最富有的家庭——湯瑪斯韋恩大夫(Dr.Thomas Wayne)和太太瑪莎(Martha),兒子布魯斯(Bruce)看完電影《佐羅》回家,途經一條小巷時遭到搶劫,韋恩夫婦在布魯斯的面前被槍殺。那條巷子從此得名「犯罪巷」(Crime Alley)。


[編輯] 蝙蝠俠主要人物角色
艾爾福(Alfred Pennyworth,又譯阿福):韋恩的管家,善良有親和力,布魯斯以蝙蝠俠的身分行動時,阿福有時會在蝙蝠洞進行支援。


Batman's primary character traits can be summarized as "wealth; physical prowess; deductive abilities and obsession."[44] The details and tone of Batman's characterization have varied over the years due to different intrepretations. Dennis O'Neil noted that character consistency wasn't a major concern during earlier editorial regimes; he said, "Julie Schwartz did a Batman in Batman and Detective and Murray Boltinoff did a Batman in the Brave and the Bold and apart from the costume they bore very little resemblance to each other. Julie and Murray did not coordinate their efforts, did not pretend to, did not want to, were not asked to. Continuity was not important in those days."[62]

A main component that defines Batman as a character is his origin story. Bob Kane said he and Bill Finger discussed the character's background and decided that "there's nothing more traumatic than having your parents murdered before your eyes."[63] Batman is thus driven to fight crime in order to avenge the death of his parents.[44] While details of Batman's origin have varied from version to version, the "reiteration of the basic origin events holds together otherwise divergent expressions" of the character.[64] The origin is the source of many of the character's traits and attributes, which play out in many of the character's adventures.[44]

Batman is often treated as a vigilante by other characters in his stories. Frank Miller views the character as "a dionysian figure, a force for anarchy that imposes an individual order."[65] Dressed as a bat, Batman deliberately cultivates a frightening persona in order to aid him in crime fighting.[66]

Bruce Wayne
In his secret identity, Batman is Bruce Wayne, a wealthy businessman who lives in Gotham City. Like Superman, the prominent persona of Batman's dual identities varies with time. Modern-age comics have tended to portray "Bruce Wayne" as the facade, with "Batman" as the truer representation of his personality (in counterpoint to the post-Crisis Superman, whose "Clark Kent" persona is the 'real' personality, and "Superman" is the act).

To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is often seen as an irresponsible, superficial playboy who lives off his family's personal fortune (amassed when Bruce's family invested in Gotham real estate before the city was a bustling metropolis) and the profits of Wayne Enterprises, a major private technology firm that he inherits. Forbes Magazine estimated Bruce Wayne to be the 7th-richest fictional character with his $6.8 billion fortune.[67] However, Wayne is also known for his contributions to charity, notably through his Wayne Foundation charity.[68] Bruce creates the playboy public persona to aid in throwing off suspicion of his secret identity, often acting dim-witted and self-absorbed to further the act.
2007-11-16 1:53 am
唔好0係度問功課...yahoo 會ban...

let me introduce the story about batman this time.....
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