Is this a first kiss?

2007-11-16 1:07 am
I am pretty ignorant in relationship. What is consider a first kiss? Does it have to be mutual (mouth to mouth)? Or, can it be one-side (mouth to other part of the body)? I was offered to be kissed by a very handsome boy, but I did not say "Yes" at the spot. He was gentleman enough that he later offered me a goodbye kiss at my cheek. I was never kissed by a boy before, so was that my "first kiss" already? So, confused!!

回答 (2)

2007-11-16 12:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
of coz唔算la.....如果你好confused ge話,我諗你中意左佢la.......

初吻ge定義係: 同冇親戚關係ge人,嘴對嘴咁kiss,男女都係.......
參考: 聽人講ge.....
2007-11-16 1:13 am

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