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Yes! It can rise back to at least $20 but how long is difficult to predict. First of all, there were pretty much good news that made it rising from around $11 to $20 in a short period of time. (including listing of A-stock, finding of new oil field source, unlimited rising of international crude oil price, joining to the HSI, the crazy of the public to stock market) All these good news joined together to booast all the people rush to buy in the stock causing an explosive rise of price of 857.hk.
So, at this moment, do you think that there is so much good news for 857.hk anymore now after all the good news realized. (A-stock listed without further rising, flattening off of the international crude oil, bad/cautionous atmosphereof the stock market) the Now, the only short term good news maybe the buying from the index fund. Therefore, the stock price of 857.hk reveals its COMPANY QUALITY of earning money.