How to say 2.5 億 in English??

2007-11-15 7:26 pm
can anyone let me know please??

回答 (6)

2007-11-15 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
two hundred and fifty million OR
o.25 billion

2007-11-15 11:33:32 補充:
1 billion = 1000 million = 10億
2007-11-16 10:25 am
be careful:

billion in British English = one million million


in American English = one thousand million

so what exactly you are asking?
2007-11-15 8:13 pm
2.5 億 = 250,000,000 = 250 million or 0.25 billion (1 billion = 1,000,000,000)
2007-11-15 7:35 pm
million 係百萬

跟住係 billion , 十億

2.5 億 即係 

250 million

two hundreds and fifty millions
2007-11-15 7:33 pm
2.5 億
= two hundred fifty million
2007-11-15 7:31 pm
two and a half billion

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