
2007-11-15 6:20 pm
有香港舊身分證 (男女唔同顏色, 背面睇到高度),
但係離開左香港廿幾年, 去左加拿大住, 而家想申請返張 "新o既香港身份證" ..


回答 (3)

2007-11-17 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So long as you were born in HK, you can get a Permanent ID card. I had a friend who was in the same situation as you, he did not even have an old ID. He got his HKID with his birth certificate.

Just go to immigration department with old ID, they'll process it. I went through the same process years ago with a junior blue HKID. In fact when you enter HK with a foreign passport, but enter the birthplace as HK, they would almost demand the HKID # from you. I told the officer that I didn't have the old ID card with me and do not remember the number. He refer me to the control center to look up my HKID number from the central computer because my ID was never used for entry/exit transaction and did not show up in his workstation.

If the person was born in mainland China, and has left HK long time ago, he may be denied resident status even if has lived in HK for more than 7 years. The person has to make sure he or she always has a valid ID. In fact, I had a friend who was born in China and left HK for Canada long time ago. When she returned to HK for a visit, she as unable to renew her old ID with a new one because he ID was too old (several versions ago). Given the case occurred before 1997.
2007-11-15 7:47 pm
嘩你幾多歲? 有張咁舊既身份証,前次都未換,有無出世紙!
有 , 多數可以重發給你 , 打電話去問啦。
2007-11-15 6:24 pm

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