希望在職人士/求職經驗者回答...Abt Cover Letter &CV [20分]

2007-11-15 9:15 am
其實 COVER LETTER 應該大約多少字為之合適呢

我明白 HR應該會用少量時間 掃一下COVER LETTER
咁我應該放乜野重點響COVER LETTER呢....

CV 我聽說過 最多只可以 2版...否則太長無人睇

我來年7-8月左右就會完成我o既hotel man o既 BA Degree
有3年多part time + 1年full time service related 經驗
我o既目標 係 酒店業 o既management trainee
其實 salary 應該 request 幾多先係合理呢

回答 (1)

2007-11-15 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
The major reason for having a covering letter in your case is to show your employer your English level. I do not recommend you to copy one of the template as most of the green students do. In order to show the difference from others, a good covering letter writing by yourself is important. However, if I were the employer, flawless written english is very important. A good covering letter can give you a chance to attend the interview. It does not mean it will be helpful to your interview. Your presentation skill during the interview can determine whether the employer hire you or not.

The CV is not so important for a green student. You will have the same degree which is the same as the others in the course. The degree is only an entry ticket in whatever the industry you will be. Employers will not expect you to have experience as you are a green student. After a few years, the CV should not be limited to 2 pages, however, as you are a green student, you suppose to have nothing to write more than 2 pages.

I do believe the most important thing for you to keep in mind is that you should see what you can learn from the job rather than how much salary you can get in long term. You have to spend more time thinking about working for big hotels or small hotels. The approach you selected can determine you future career. Big hotel has proper management system but they separated into many small departments which cannot allow you to learn everything in the hotel. Small hotels can give you chance to learn more but tough. Think big! You need to spend time on thinking about spending the number of years in small hotel and then you must join the big hotels 2 or 3 years later. Try to change job in every two years when you first start in any of the companies. Do not stay too long in a same company as the explorsue in different companies are also important. Knowledge is the most important thing rather than having the certificates. Try hard to learn in the job when you start working in an industry! Keep up and you will be successful after 5 years if you follow this way.
參考: self experience

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