how can you meet a man that has a house and can support you right I am so sick of?

2007-11-14 11:54 pm
a man that has nothing and i am not a gold digger i just want to be happy and that is what i dream of a home and not in a govermant home is this wrong to think of? this one has 2 questions....good luck

回答 (5)

2007-11-15 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
just so that I understand, you just want a man that isn't a loser right?
okay well here is a thought .. stop picking up guys at bars, try to look for a man at a place like a hardware store on a friday night (If they are there, they are probably single and have a house of their own in which they are improving)
it may not be ideal, but it will hopefully better than the loser guys you are finding. Good luck!
2007-11-15 8:13 am
To meet a man who owns his own home and is a good man is hard and rare to find these days.

I had a gf who was at least 10 years older then me, and she was pretty classy. She told me, the guy has to at LEAST have a JOB. That's how bad her luck was. Talk about settling for less??

Anyway, everyone has a dream, you should want better things for yourself (and children?).
The way you get it is another thing. It sounds like you think you are not in a position to do this on your own.

But there are so many legal aid assistances out there to help people buy their first home and in some states the market is moving downward. There is Section 8 housing, Subsidized Assistance, etc.

But if you want to take the route of meeting that man that has all your dreams, dream on ...hahahaha.

You have to go where the men are. NICE sports bars and things like that. Do you have a courthouse around where you live? Attorneys all hang out in the same bars for a drink after Court.

If you've ever been actually homeless or know someone that is, it's very sad to see. It makes you appreciate what you do have, not to lay a guilt trip on you, but it makes a person humble.

Sounds like you need to go to different places other than where you normally go.

If you like to read, the books are free but you have to pay for the coffee, go to Borders and hang out with a nice cup of coffee and a nice book on a REGULAR basis. Become a regular there even if you can only treat yourself to one cup of coffee a week.

You honestly have to be at the right place at the right time.
Always look your best when you go out, do your hair and don't overdo the makeup. Stand up straight and carry yourself well, feel proud and this will be noticed by all......

good luck, and ask him if he has a brother when you meet him:)
2007-11-15 8:01 am
instead of waiting for someone to do it for you why dont you do it for yourself? even when you do meet that certain someone who has the house you dream of it doesn't make it yours and ther is no guarantee that things between you will last for ever. simply said you can be put out of anyones home accept your own. build a life for yourself first.
參考: past experience
2007-11-15 8:01 am
Find a mature man, not a boy.. but seriously, if u have nothing the guy wont be interested in u. u need to have ur own house and ur own car and be able to support urself. Its the new milenium, and women are not helpless and more.
2007-11-15 8:00 am
It's nothing wrong to seek someone finacially secure. But you also have to work hard otherwise you're only one man from proverty. Good luck

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