im 17...can i like my boss who is 31?

2007-11-14 11:39 pm
ok so my boss is 31 years old...hes sooooooo cute :] he has a 14 year old kid and hes been married for 9 years..
i know i shouldnt but its really hard...hes such a cutie!
what do i do?
do i flirt? or do i hide my feelings forever?

回答 (16)

2007-11-14 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sweetie, trust me, you are not ready. You do not need another father in your life. I know men of various ages can be hot, but you are too young. Trust me, you will find someone your age that you like and look back on this "boss crush" and laugh in a good way though.

Just ignore your feelings. He is older and more mature, that may be what your attracted to, but don't do it.
2007-11-15 7:44 am
no no. he's married and has a kid! hide your feelings. there are other guys out there..
2007-11-15 7:50 am
Keep it professional, flirting with your boss, he can file sexual harassement against you, you may end up loosing your job and end your career.
2007-11-15 7:48 am
I'm sure as a 30 year-old he'll love the idea of a 17 year old interested in him, he'll want to have sex with you, he'll want to know he's still got it...which is exactly why you need to stay far away from him and keep things professional, especially since he has kids, you'll wreck his marriage, his life, his kid's life - and you might even send him to jail, be sensible please.
2007-11-15 7:47 am
um, your closer to age of his kid then u are with him. Hold your feelings, they'll subside.
would you want your husband flirting with a 17 yr old? i think not. cmon im 17 too and i know thats wrong...grow up.
2007-11-15 7:46 am
Sure you can like him, but draw the line there!!!! You are only going to get hurt, I PROMISE. And you could create a very uncomfortable situation. Those feeling you have are normal for a young girl with a hotty boss. But remember thats what he is....... YOUR BOSS. He's Married, friend back off!
參考: BEEN THERE.........sorta
2007-11-15 7:45 am
Leave the guy alone. He's married with a kid only three years younger than you. Keep your feelings to yourself.
2007-11-15 7:45 am
nothing wrong with liking someone older however you should prolly keep them feelings to yourself and try not to be a home wrecker you can get a fling anywhere anytime just dont try to be with a married man
2007-11-15 7:44 am
He's married with kids and your boss that makes him UNAVAILABLE. Don't cross that line and start a pattern that you may carry with you the rest of your life. That road is filled with a lot of heartache and grief.
2007-11-15 7:44 am
Stay away from married men. The little release you may enjoy from expressing your feelings has the potential to ruin many people's lives. Learn how to cope with your feelings and handle them responsibly. There will be many more attractive men in your life to flirt with.

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