Please read and answer!I want my friend to read your responses so she can feel a bit better!?

2007-11-14 6:27 pm
I'm putting this on here for her because she doesen't have the net!
She says:
i'm 21 and have never had a boyfriend Guys just don't seem to ask me out and i am not bad looking at all. I was never actively looking for a boyfriend but now i am starting to worry that i'm getting way behind and no -one will want to go out with me once they see how inexperienced I am. I have never even kissed a guy that's how pathetic I am. People don't know this though and they would never guess as i am at uni, smart, funny, pretty and have friends. People say they don't know how people can "miss out" on the relationship stage but i really have and i don't know how to get a b/f or even just casually date someone. It seems so hard. other peoples advice doesn't work i am open to new possibilities i do smile and be friendly and i have put myself out there and told guys that I like them but nothing at all ever comes of it even drunk guys arn't interested. Everyone always says how lovely and sweet and pretty I am and blah blah but it doesn't help me in this situation

回答 (8)

2007-11-14 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
~Just act approachable. Maybe guys are intimidated or afraid to come up to her. Is she always with friends? Does she make eye contact with guys? That might help them get the balls to talk to her.
2007-11-14 6:44 pm
Well here is my story,
I am 20, I am almost done with college.
I am in shape, a great personality, and most gals call me cute.
I worked hard to put my life together, and missed out on dating as well.
I have never kissed and I don't think I am pathetic neither are you.
If I lived by you I would love to date you, Why? because I would be finally be on the same stage as her and I could share every first with her.
If you want just email me, I'd be happy to talk to her
2007-11-14 6:44 pm
Dont worry so much about it hun. And trust me, you aren't pathetic. And you should never go looking for love. If you want a boyfriend you should just be friends first. Getting into a relationship right off the bat is never really a good thing. Get to know them first. Be friends. Have a friendship based relationship. Guys arevery weird.. and I have yet to figure them out, lol. But you never know who is falling for you. It could be someone right under your nose. For the most part, ALOT of guys can not see what they have in front of them until its to late. I hope this helps you somewhat. Sorry if it doesnt. But good luck girl!
2007-11-14 6:37 pm
abosulutely...nothing to worry about
2007-11-14 6:37 pm
Quality is always better the quantity. Never rush into a guy. The wrong guy may cost you a fortune. It worth to wait.
2007-11-14 6:36 pm
Sounds like you may also be very shy. Is that right?? Have you tried to be outspoken to guys? Is there a reason why you were never interested in guys in your teen years? How did you manage? your friends never tried to set you up with a guy? HOW STRANGE THAT IS!!
2007-11-14 6:34 pm
My advice is, to stop looking. I know you feel like your missing out but your not. It's great not being experienced because guys like a girl that has not been around the block. You may be trying to hard. Make a bunch of guy friends and do what they like to do they'll see how cool you are and one of them will go for you. Just don't try so hard.
2007-11-14 6:32 pm
Don't worry so much.....Been there done that one.....I got my first real boyfriend when I was 21. We got married at the age of 22. Just wait......He is around the corner......

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