Where does tinkerbell live? im pretty sure im her sister.?

2007-11-14 6:00 pm
well i know that im a fairy now and i have a green dress and blond hair, only thing is that i am not a size of a thumb im a size of a human i cant work out where the neverland is please help me

回答 (13)

2007-11-14 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Second star to the right and straight on till morning.
2007-11-14 7:17 pm
lol.. a green fairy!
and away with you :o)
great one .. funny
2007-11-14 6:45 pm
Your family take away all your memories and they give you a specail mission to stay on earth to help the poor and the people with needs. Do some volunteer work. They won't abandon you, your sister said they'll come back and take you to neverland after 70 years or earlier.
2007-11-14 6:36 pm
Never Never Land of course in a clock.
2007-11-14 6:24 pm
Well... I know that Tinkerbell lives with the Lost Boys. If you are planning on living with them then, you have to get use to living with all of those men!!! That's a lot of men to live with.
2007-11-14 6:21 pm
erm i have no idea! hehe i say flick ur wand nd it will take you there............maybe you need a shrinking machine 2?
2007-11-14 6:17 pm
Tinkerbell died.
Yea sorry.
2007-11-14 6:08 pm
Can you fly?
2007-11-14 6:05 pm
think she lives in the shire with the hobbitses, you'll need to go through Rivendell to get there or no, just flick your wand
2007-11-14 6:07 pm
Your moronic fantasy shows an insecure need to be accepted, even by animated objects. You would be wise to find a local support group called....

I'm Too Stupid To Exist.

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