I Want Sex With This Woman?

2007-11-14 5:37 pm
And she said OK if I take her out, but I don't have any money. What are some things I could do that don't cost?

回答 (14)

2007-11-14 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
park bench,,,,
2007-11-15 1:43 am
Cook for her at your house and watch a movie. If you have any money- just go out for drinks. Or a drink and dessert.
2007-11-15 1:49 am
First you go to the donut shop and ask if they have any overnight donuts / croissant that they can give away or sell to you at a discount price. Then get two water bottles fill up some tap water from Mcdonald (cos they're free, you may get napkins, ketchup, sugar... etc for free as well). You may go window shoping with her, or walk on the beach... its romantic and CHEAP!!! LOL!!!
2007-11-15 1:48 am
It sounds like you are to stupid to have a gril friend or sex. Keep masterbating, when your respect a woman, you will know how to treat her, with respect and kindness.Don't be in a hurry .
2007-11-15 1:46 am
ask her if you can just pay for 20 mins rather than the full hour
2007-11-15 1:46 am
Look at your city events calendar of parks and rec. department. A lot of times they hold events that are free and fun.
2007-11-15 1:45 am
cook her dinner! and watch a movie at ur house or something! take a walk in the park.. get to know her before u go inside her pants! lolss..good luck <3
2007-11-15 1:43 am
Picnics are so romantic even better then going out to a restaurant because it took alot more effort on your part
2007-11-15 1:43 am
If you take her out, what kind of chick is this? Take her on a picnic.
2007-11-15 1:42 am
Well u know the saying, u get what u pay for.
2007-11-15 1:42 am
You could play video games with her, then take her to the mall. Chicks totally dig that and it doesnt cost much. Maybe your mom can lend you a few bucks too.

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