How do you get over someone?

2007-11-14 5:12 pm
We dated for two years and i want him back but he won't give it another chance.
he says "It doesn't feel right"
How do i move on?
How do i win him back?
Can i win him back?

I don't want a rebound. I don't wanna date for a while.


What do i do with that the things he gave me? Teddy bears, necklaces ect.


We broke up Monday night... He is not seeing anyone else.


What do i tell my family with thanksgiving around the corner? and xmass?

回答 (19)

2007-11-14 5:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is going to take some time Believe me.If he doesnt want to be with you respect his decsion. If left at good terms thats good. If you guys are deciding to be firends still you need to tell him you can be friends but right now you have to loose alll contact with him just until you get everything situtated... I know you feel you are nothing without him or think you cant live without him (but you had a life before him and you can have one after him).. this will take time and it will take some getting used to being single again. My suggestions are to Hangout with friends but dont constantly sulk about this guy the will get fed up real fast and not want to hang out with you. Usually your best true friend will be the only one you can sulk to. Baiscally got out have fun and yeah there will be times you cant because you think of him, but it will be ok. it takes time. Maybe he will fall back in love with you maybe you change in a way and he wants the person he fell for in the first place. who knows the reasoning really. Just live life catch up with friends, hang out with family....That is how you move on. And when you think you can talk to him without crying and thinking you are going to beg for him or have more feelings rather than friends you can contact him and be his friend and still have him in your life. be prepared to accept if he has a new gal friend guys tend to have a faster healing process after break up because the dont have as much fellings and emotion as us females. You decide if you want to keep the things he gave you remember the were gifts....

P.S. Quotes of encouragement

"Let them go and if they come back it was ment to be."

"Don't leave tho one you love for the one you lik, Becauce the one you like will leave you for the one they love."

"Never make a man a priority when he makes you and option."

"Laugh you heart out, dance in the rain, cherish the memories, ignore all the pain, live and learn, forgive and forget, because you only have one life to live."

Hope this helps

Just tell you parents that you and your boyfriend are no longer togehter if they ask about details tell them the details you wish to share and if not any just tell then you dont want to talk about it and leave it at that, They were young once they should understand.
2007-11-15 2:21 am
You gotta remember to breathe. The breakup is still fresh, and Im sure youll have a million and one thoughts racing through your head. Its hard to digest but you've got to give it some time. You cant pretend he doesnt exist of course but still, you try to get by one day at a time. Presents and reminders of the relationship are things that may or may not haunt you but for now it may be easier to store them somewhere out of sight. Not throwing them away but to reduce those visible reminders. Give your ex some time. Resist the urge to call him, though it strong. Give him some space and reevaluate things after you've taken time to regroup. 2 years is a long time, and of course it's tough. But we've all been there, and there's a healthy way of dealing with these things. Forget about what to tell your family and friends for now. Make yourself the priority and try to cope as well as you can. You dont know what's down the line and maybe youll get back maybe not. Thats the reality of relationships, the vulnerability. Remind yourself you can and will get through this. You were someone before him, and you can maintain hard as it may feel. Stay strong and best of luck...
2007-11-15 1:27 am
Start taking care of yourself. Go out dancing. Do your hair, buy new make-up, change hair colour. Make yourself feel sexy. Get drunk. Date others, it will feel bad at first, but then it all numbs out. Sleep with others. Work out. Make a mix CD of "get over him" music. One sappy for when you cry, and one dancy and loud for when you hate him, or want to feel better. Keep a journal. Eventually you will notice a shift in perception if you go back and read it. Plus you'll laugh or cry about it 20 years from now. You can't win him back, sorry. He sounds over it. Even if you do, do you want to be with someone who isn't sure of you? I wouldn't. I would want someone who can't get enough of me. Remember that breaking up is like going through drug withdrawl. Suddenly you have to quit cold turkey. So distract yourself. It takes time, but it works. Why would you want to win him back anyway? You're the prize.
2007-11-15 1:22 am
It's important that you do not feel offended.
You have to love yourself to know that it is not who you are that he is rejecting but it's the relationship..That's why he said "it doesn't feel right." It seems like he would still love to be in good terms with you but does not feel right about the relatonship...

Let it go.
If you beg him or try to chase him and he happens to be gullible enough to come back to you, you will be settling for less in a relationship and selling yourself cheap..
There is someone out there that not only you will love to be with but will also LOVE to be with you and thats what matters..
Look at it as another opportunity for something greater...

All the Best..
2007-11-15 1:22 am
Is he dating someone else already? Why did you guys break up?

Just a few questions that can help answer you question better.

Anyway if he doesn't want to give it another chance then why push it. Why try to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you?

If you really want to move on, go out with friends, travel, basically go enjoy life and when you are ready to jump back into the dating scene make sure its more than physical attraction that drives you to be with that person.
2007-11-15 1:18 am
Good.. do not date for awhile and do not get a rebound. Trust me, knowing from experience that will only make the pain worse. Your feelings will be transferred onto someone else at that time and you won't feel they compare or are as good enough as your ex.

My advice is:
End communication with him until you get over him. It maybe very difficult at first, but even if you want to remain friends, you need time to yourself before you can do that.

You need to put away or hide or get rid of anything that reminds you of him. Gifts, pictures, etc.

Put your time into something new. Take up a new habit or activity that will replace the time usually spent with him.

Avoid thinking about what may have been. Continue to tell yourself that everything happens for a reason. Look forward to the future and a greater feeling and a greater love.
2007-11-15 1:18 am
You do not want him back!!! Do not want someone that does not want u!! It only makes you seem like you depend on him.... which is not good!
You had a life before him and will have one after... only after you will be more wise about certain things. So, take what you learned and move on... it could be a lot of fun!

~The only way to get over someone is to get under someone else!!~ Haha... no really, start talkin to others gradually and you will soon find someone that captures your heart, in a different way of course, but, could be a better way!
2007-11-15 1:17 am
You don't win him back. He doesn't want you. Time heals all wounds. This was meant to happen. In time you will see that it was for the best. Your soulmate is right around the corner. Take care of yourself and be open to meeting new people.
There are so many men out there for you!! Believe in yourself & good things will happen. Much Luck to you!
2007-11-15 1:17 am
Maybe you need some time apart.If you've dated for two years, it is likely that you're just attached to him and "his ways". Go out a bit and meet some new guys. That will really help. Even though it may seem that it won't, it really does.

Then after a while of just being relaxed and having fun you can decide whether you want to win your ex back or not.
2007-11-15 1:16 am
Never look back when a relationship is over, you may find someone better who knows and maybe he's only around the corner. It's a good chance to go out meet more people, church, community classes... extended education courses.. broaden you interest. Picking up new hobbies..

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