急急急 20分 大家幫幫忙,吾要番譯器

2007-11-15 7:43 am





回答 (2)

2007-11-15 12:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I represent them to thank you for your blessings.
Probably enhancing the danger on the ice is needed.
People like me who does not swim, over-weighted lazy guy, would surely break the ice layer!!! Predicting this to happen, the only thing I can do is to drink the icy water.
Luckily, the place where you live will not see this contamination, I want to know whether you can see the stary sky at night.
It's the problem of the brand you used or is that only your eye cant adapt it?
When did you start to wear?
You are suffering from myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism?
Is your headache occured because you cant see clearly? Or because you are just too concentrate?
I suggest you should solve that problem!!
But Harry Potter looks a little bit wicked, I dont like!!
You are kind of people like elegance, but me as well!!

2007-11-15 04:11:13 補充:
第二句應是Probably enhancing the sense of danger on the ice is needed.
2007-11-15 10:07 pm
I would like to thank you for your blessings on their behalf.

It is necessary to raise the awareness of the crisis on ice!
An over-weight, lazy person like myself who does not know how to swim, will definitely break the ice and fall into the water. If that ever happens, all I could do is drink ice water!

Luckily, you live in an area which does not have these pollution problems. I want to know if you can see a lot of stars at night.

Is it the problem of this brand or are your eyes not adapting?
When did you start to wear?
Are you diagnose with myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism?
Is your headache caused by excessive concentration due to blurry vision?

I think you need to solve the problem as soon as possible!
But Harry Potter look a bit wierd, and I don't like him!
You are always so cautious about your appearance, but so am I!

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