
2007-11-15 7:09 am
interest of $85 charged by the bank

interest of $85 charged to the bank

interest of $85 charged form the bank 的中文解釋


by/to/form會d解咩?? 例如:form=由(唔知對不對)

回答 (2)

2007-11-15 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
charged by the bank 解作被銀行收取
charged to the bank 解作向銀行收取
charged from the bank 大致與第一句相同,即解作銀行收取
2007-11-15 7:58 am
charged by bank = bank interest paid to bank
charged to bank = 問bank 收回interest
charged from bank = same to "charged by bank"

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