
2007-11-15 6:05 am
我要做essay, 但唔知應該係邊可以找到呢d資料....

Offshoring 其實係一個business terms, 同geography冇關係, 我係想知道detail d offshoring係咩原因道致, 有咩consequences....

回答 (2)

2007-11-15 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
海面的; 吹向海面的; 向海面的

向海面地; 離海面地
參考: my快譯通
2007-11-15 9:27 pm
Offshoring business terms:

TAX: if the income /earning is generated from offshore business, trading, as long as the contract of sale/purchase is effected in offshore (i.e. non-HK) countries, the profit is NOT subjected to HK profit tax

so many company set up BVI (hk ppl set up firm in some british countries to trade with third party) to avoid tax payable in HK

Finance: offhsore market =non-indigenous (i.e. non-local/foreign) market that a investor /financial institution might look for as to make the risk /return of investment lower/higher

to explain offshore market , we have to discuss onshore market (it means the money market flow inwards to a domestic economy ...you see hot money flow in HK to speculate on H-share issue

when there is a bubble in stock market going to be borken e.g. PRC now cease the Direct train QDII, investors might be afraid of share downturn of stock market, they withdraw their captial to invest back to their overseas or other merging markets

if any mistake i have made, pls let me know
參考: finance graduate / accounting postragduate student

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