(10分)想o係香港設立一個學會,要辦D乜手續? 是否有甚麼特別條件?

2007-11-15 3:52 am
想o係香港設立一個學會,要辦D乜手續? 是否有甚麼特別條件?

chinese version plz? 除左登記個有限公司,重有乜? thanks

回答 (1)

2007-11-15 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you wish to set up an association or institute, you can first register a company limited by guarantee with the Government. The articles of the association/institute should be drawn up by lawyer because it is a legal document and governs the members and the directors. If you want to make money out of the association/institute, the company should be registered as a company limited by shares. Of course, even if you are a non-profit seeking firm, you can still registered with the Government as limited by shares. The same procedures applied for both limited by shares or guarantee. The procedures are laid down in the Companies Ordinance and you can refer to the provisions inside. There are pamplets in the Registry for you to know the procedures if you want to. Hope the answer can assist you!

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