Sony Ericsson手機

2007-11-15 3:21 am
我想問w580i好d 定係w880i ???

回答 (1)

2007-11-15 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
first a point , do you want 3G , and then w880 aready 停產, before停產 SE shop sale $3080 , other side $3380 ,
but i sugget W580i $2780 , because the screen is bright then w880 have 320x240 2"吋 ,w880 only 1.8" speaker is 大聲過w880i , 加上唔<拆>!!
also have 1Gm2 , 1 batt , 1 cable .1 charger ... just no 3G

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