✔ 最佳答案
1. factory (fāk'tə-rē)
- A building or group of buildings in which goods are manufactured; a plant.
2. recycled (rē-sī'kəl)
-To extract useful materials from (garbage or waste).
-To extract and reuse (useful substances found in waste).
3. chopsticks (chŏp'stĭk')
-One of a pair of slender sticks made especially of wood or ivory, held between the
thumb and fingers and used as an eating utensil in Asian countries and in restaurants
serving Asian food.
4. disinfection (dĭs'ĭn-fěkt')
-To cleanse so as to destroy or prevent the growth of disease-carrying
5. latest
-most recent; current
6. counterfeit (koun'tər-fĭt')
-v tr: To make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge.
-v intr: To carry on a deception; dissemble.
-adj: Made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud.
-n: A fraudulent imitation or facsimile.
7. widespread (wīd'sprěd')
-Spread or scattered over a considerable extent.
8. scandals (skān'dl)
-A publicized incident that brings about disgrace or offends the moral sensibilities of
-A person, thing, or circumstance that causes or ought to cause disgrace or outrage.
-Damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly
improper behavior; disgrace.
-Talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious gossip.
9. disposable (dĭ-spō'zə-bəl)
-Designed to be disposed of after use.
-Designed to be disposed of after use
-Free for use; available
10. average (āv'ər-ĭj, āv'rĭj)
- A number that typifies a set of numbers of which it is a function.
- An intermediate level or degree.
- Being intermediate between extremes, as on a scale.