
2007-11-15 2:27 am
我係讀商科既~冇文又冇理~冇中屎冇地理 好多純文科唔揀得~理科冇pure maths 冇math stat更加唔洗諗==",,,,,,唯一可揀既係BBA~但係BBA各間院校都收得好高,,,最低要求既IS都係以博一博心態嫁ja,,,我可以點??

我將來都係想做番business呢一範既野~讀social work 旅遊果d服務性既野完全唔岩我性格!!!我真係一d都唔鐘意~我要既係可以實現個人成就既職業.....但係聽人講其實做business果d野唔一定要讀BBA~讀其他野,,只要有degree~都有機會入果d business做野...係咪真嫁??姐係讀埋果d creative media computer science socilogy乜鬼等唔關事既科~將來都可以做到business果d工作???,,,我真係唔想做社工牙果d野牙T^T""",,,,,,,,,,

p.s. 我會考成績唔差~都有20分左右~maths不錯有B~只係擔心al成績,,,因為我知道入BBA果d科真係好困難~

回答 (1)

2007-11-15 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

I totally understand what you feel. I know you want to work in the business industry and you may not know which path (accounting, finance, management, marketing, information systems, statistics, economics, etc.) you want to go.

If you want to get a professional memebership and become an accountant, financial planner or something else, you have to study accounting or finance. The reason is the minimum requirement to get the membership is entering with the degree and pass some exams with some work experiences. Also, the job duties requires a high degree of knowledge in those fields, this apply to statistics and information systems.

Of course, you can get a membership of management or marketing, however, it is not necessary. Marketing is interesting. I think if you have the talent, you can do a good job. Management requires someone is organized and have well management.

Some people who has whatever degree can work in admin, marketing and management. Even they are without a related degree or professional membership, they still can have a good prospect. If they want more in-depth knowledge, there are a lot of short courses, cert and dip for them to study.

About economics, I think it is a good choice if you don't choose BBA. Except being a economist, you can work in the bank, broker firm, school, etc. You can also obtain a brokder licence. You have B in Math, you should be able to apply it. Economics is interesting and useful.

By the way, what subjects you choose in HKAL?

You have 20 marks in HKCEE which is not bad. Work hard and you should have no problem going to university. =)
參考: Myself.

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