
2007-11-15 12:42 am
The experiment about[Green Chemistry---An Environment-Friendly Preparation of 1,6-Hexanedioic Acid]
Q1.List the advantage(s) of this reacton when compared with the traditional industrial production of 1,6-hexanedioic acid by the oxidation of cyclohexanol/cyclohexanone with nitric acid.

回答 (2)

2007-11-15 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Advantage :
I.) Oxidation of cyclohexanol/cyclohexanone with nitric acid will release Nitrogen dioxide gas NO2 , which is a pollutant that cause acid rain/corrode the building-coat . However , the environmental-friendly preparation can produce no toxic product .

II.) The percentage yeild of 1,6-Hexandioic acid by the environmental-friendly method is greater than the one reacting with nitric acid .
2007-11-15 1:18 am
In the past, this acid was produced by

1. Cyclohexane + oxygen → cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone
2. cyclohexanol/cyclohexanone + nitric acid + air → adipic acid + nitrous oxide

which will produce nitrous oxide as one of the products. As nitrous oxide is a pollutant, this reaction is not environmental-friendly.

Now, using this 'green chemistry' method, the by-product is water, which is environmental-friendly.
參考: 自己

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:30:08
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