請問那一個課程比較好? 我是做會計的. 剛讀完Advanced Diploma in A/C

2007-11-14 10:13 pm
(1) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance)
Curtin University of Technology, Australia
如果是這個好D, 應選擇 Accounting or Finance

(2)Bachelor of Accounting
Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU

回答 (3)

2007-11-14 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: me
2007-11-15 10:02 pm
你如果讀Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting ) ...可以報考acpa 澳洲會員計師公會....如果考晒做埋member...可以考少qp 3 個workshop , 1 個qp workshop...同埋....考返

即使(1) 你只係讀多 幾科澳洲會員計師公會試....仲有澳洲稅比香港難....讀完一定有人請.....仲可能claim 多d EXEMPTION

我老師係澳洲u 度讀, 一樣拎到hkisa/ hkicpa 既memebership.. hkicpa 對acpa 比acca 待遇更加好....

是(2)比較好....貴 , 做會計....唔係會計師, 你知道一個係會計師樓做audit trainee 人工有幾多....9k 都已經好好..

,可以直入考QP?? 4 個好貴既workshop???

無錯,個咁貴既degree由hku俾你, 但你一科exempt都拎唔到, 硬俾十幾萬港大洗.....就真係幾方便喎.

hku始終多一點僱主認識. ....不過你估佢地知唔知你係hku space 度讀....如果你hk alevel 無一科係b
2007-11-15 3:57 am

If you want to continuing your career in accounting, you should get an accounting degree.

You should consider the followings:

1. How many credits of the advanced diploma can be transfered to the degree program? If there are more credits can be transfered, you can shorten the study time and save money.

2. Do you want to study overseas? Study in HK where you know well or study in Australia where you can have new experience.

3. Can you afford studying overseas?

4. What subjects include in the programs? Which subjects are useful and you should pick?

5. Do you know what kind of accountant you want to be?

* CPA requirements: 1. An accounting degree from a recognized university,
2. Completed subjects during the accounting degree: Auditing, taxation law, corporation law and some accounting subjects.

Option 1:
Bachelor of Commerce (Major in Accounting), Curtin University of Technology

According to Curtin, this program graduate is eligible to enrol the CPA program (exams) and mentor program (work experience), as well as, the ICAA program.

Bascially, you study 4 subjects per semester for 3 years. You can apply to use your previous credit to substitute the elective units. The program structure have selected the subjects for you + elective in your choice. The selected subjects fulfil the requirements of CPA. So, you study what you should and are able to start the CPA after the graduate.

I think Curtin is similar to the other Australian university. If you go to overseas, you don't need to limit your choice to this school only. Group of 8 (leading universities) is the best choice. (ANU, UNSW, Monash, U of Adelaide, U of Melbourne, U of Queensland, U of Sydney & U of Western Australia)

The law subjects are under Australian Law. Unless you want to be a taxation accountant in HK, otherwise, the law subjects are not an issue. Maybe, I should say you learn tax mainly from work if you want to be a HK or China taxation accountant. The law subjects are the introduction, you will learn more in CPA/work if you decide to go for this path.

A lot of students study overseas and go back HK to work. I don't see there is any problem to apply what you learn in overseas to the HK work environment. You have the advantage and knowledge that the local students don't have.

If you decide to stay in Australia after graduate, the Australian accounting degree is a big advantage.

Option 2:
BBA(Acc&Fin), HKU

According to HKU, this program graduate is eligible to enrol the CPA program (exams) and mentor program (work experience).

You have to completed 180 credits to graduate, which means thirty 6-credit unit.
I only saw the available subjects, HKU doesn't provide the program structure I assume. That means you have to carefully choose the subjects. Otherwise, you have to take the right subjects to fulfil the requirements of CPA.

The law subjects definitely are under HK law. I assume your lecturers know the HK economics and work environment well. You can get familiar with the job market from them.
參考: Myself, www.curtin.edu.au, www.hku.edu

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