
2007-11-14 7:36 pm


3.(有人想車或者送你,跟住答) 唔洗啦,我就到了




唔該晒 : )

回答 (3)

2007-11-14 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.你咁夜,重去邊呀? It's late. Where are you going?

2.你咁夜/遲先返黎既? Why did you come home so late? (or Why are you coming home so late?

3.(有人想車或者送你,跟住答) 唔洗啦,我就到了. I'm fine. I'm almost there. Thanks! (or Don't worry. I'm almost there. Thanks for the offer.

4.果個我唔要架拉,掉左佢啦! I don't want that one. You can throw it away.

5.一紮花. A bunch of flowers (or bouquet)

6.你放左工/學拿? Did you just get off work/school? Did you come back from work/school?
參考: Self
2007-11-14 7:56 pm
1) It is so late, where are you going?

2) Why you are so late?

3) No, thanks, I am almost there.

4) I don't want this, throw it away!

5) a bouquet of flowers/a bundle of flowers

6) You got off from work/school?
2007-11-14 7:45 pm
1. Where are you still trying to go? It's getting late.
2. Why are you back so late?
3. No, thanks, I am almost there.
4. I don't need that anymore. You may throw it out.
5. A bundle of flowers.
6. Are you off at school? at work?
參考: I speak American English.

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