投資超級新手, 問題白癡唔好介意

2007-11-14 4:59 pm
想問一下成日d人話高追恆指, 依家恆指其實要用幾$先入到貨? o甘匯豐價錢又如何?

另外想問依家網上e-banking開左投資戶口係咪都要親身去一次銀行補資料ga, o甘成個申請過程需時又要幾耐呢? 2個禮拜?


回答 (3)

2007-11-14 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
恆指係冇得買, 恆指期貨(期指)就有得買, 是期貨合約, 到結算時用現金交易
例如你買1張30,000點期指, 按金約$160,000, 結算時如果收30,500點, (每月最後交易日前1個交易日為期指結算日, 今個月29日期指結算), 你便賺 $50 x 500 = $25,000, ($50一點), 相反沽個張期指比你個就蝕$25,000 (以上未計手續費)
0005 昨日收$138.60, 每手400股, 一手$55,440(未計手續費)

2007-11-14 10:13:50 補充:
呢度可以免費check價, 15分鐘延遲, 不是現價http://www.finet.hk/mainsite/index.htmhttp://www.aastocks.com/chi/default.asp
2007-11-14 6:05 pm
First of all, I don't think the stock market in this situation is suitable for rookie since the HSI is fluctuating greatly and so if your mindset not determinative enough that you would most likely lose money! As regard your question for e-banking, (if using Hang Seng Bank) you can easily log on your e-banking and then fill in questionaire in the securities section and then you can freely buy and sell the stocks you want and this is damn easy. People said 高追恆指 so anaglous to buy stocks at a relatively high price when 恆指 is hitting record high! Hope this is of useful to you!
2007-11-14 6:00 pm


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