i have finished my homework,e 句句子係咩時式?

2007-11-14 9:10 am
i have finished my homework
e 句句子係咩時式?

回答 (5)

2007-11-17 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have finished my homework. (過去的動件 - 無講明時間 - 係 present perfect tense)
I finished my homework 1 hour ago. (過去的動件 - 講明時間 - 係 past tense)

Present Perfect Tense
雖然是說及過去發生的事情,過去發生的動作,但郤不是 Past Tense!我們可以用上的時間副詞,就只有 "Already","Just","Yet","Since 1999"…etc。而不可以霸佔 Past Tenses 的時間副詞來用啊,如:Yesterday, Last week, three years ago…etc。亦因為有這個特點,所以很多人都會說:Perfect Tenses 都在不知道 Exact time 時用

1. 當說及一些事件發生於以前,並繼續進行至現在
I have lived/have been living in this house for years/since 1992.

2. 當強調一個動作我們做了多少次或發生次數
He has broken his arm four times before.

3. 我們會用 Present Perfect Tense 來表達一個較長久,永恆的事情
2007-11-14 9:24 am
present perfect
i has been doing my homework

2007-11-14 01:36:47 補充:
係我i have beenhesheit先用has.
2007-11-14 3:34 pm
Present perfect

Present perfect: has/have + past participle

It's supposed to be used when that action has just happened. Something happened in the past but without specifying the time, date, etc.

For example:
I took a shower this morning/an hour ago/yesterday.
I have just/already taken a shower.
2007-11-14 10:59 am
If there are 2 actions happening in the past and you wish to tell others than one action took place before the other, you use perfect tense for the action which happened first:

I have finished my homework before I watched television yesterday.

If you use the perfect tense to describe only one act - usually you wish to stress that the action has already taken place.

I have already told you this. Don't make me repeat it the second time.
2007-11-14 9:47 am
it is present perfect tense.

the time finished in the past and have the result now.
eg. I have finished my homework
that mean you finish the homework in the past and now, the homework is finished(the work has done)
參考: my EFL teacher

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