how do you know if a 7th grade girl likes you?

2007-11-14 12:20 am
im a 7th grader and i need to know what a girl do if they like a guy .DON'T SAY JUST ASK HER BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO. JUST COULD YOU TELL ME WHAT WOULD THEY DO IF A GIRL LIKES A BOY

回答 (14)

2007-11-14 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ask her
2007-11-14 12:26 am
It's hard to tell with girls around that age. She may like you if she talks to you a lot or acts flirty around you. If she smiles a lot when you are around. Or if you she her looking at you but look aways shyly when you catch her staring.
2007-11-14 12:24 am
they would probably be really shy around you..want to talk 2 you over little things..try to get to know you better
2007-11-14 12:23 am
They usually will tease you or go out of her way to get you to notice her/ Unless she is a very self-assured young lady.
2007-11-14 12:26 am
Don't you think a 7th grader should be more concentrate in school work instead of girls? Stay on top of your class and being active in sports, I believe all the girls (majority) will likes you.
2015-12-07 3:18 am
I'm a girl in 7th grade. Well the guy could tell I liked him because, I talked to him a lot, I was mean to him sometimes, I was also really nice, I also blushed when I was around him
2007-11-14 12:28 am
Mostly, they dance around the subject. They'll smile at you a lot, and they hang around you, even if their friends want to hang out with them. You've got to be careful with seventh grade girls, because, to be honest, their just hitting puberty and say one wrong thing- it'll be the end. Just... be nice and TRY to be sensitive. And if she's already in a relationship- DONT SABATOGE IT. Thats the worst thing in the world.
2007-11-14 12:28 am
Well when I was in the seventh grade I had a big crush on this guy and i paid more attention to him than any other guy in our class. I would have to suggest that if she pays a lot of attention to you that is a sign of her liking you. But as much as you don't want to you should ask her or have a friend casually ask her if she likes you. (That's the quickest way to find out!)
2007-11-14 12:24 am
Well, if you don't want to ask her, you could always get your friend to give her a note saying:

Do u lik acethekidd99 ????
yes or no!
2007-11-14 12:26 am
im in 7th grade so yea.
some girls will just be all over you and slutty.
some girls will be all shy and nervous if they really like you. go for the shy nervous ones unless you want a ****. hmm i guess that if a girl is all touchy touchy with you and its not sexual then shes not slutty. describe more on how she acts that would help more instead of me having to keep talking and talking . i know noone wants that.=) o yea and what do guys do if they like a girl?
2007-11-14 12:25 am
aww u r a sevie and got a crush. sorry i was a sevy last year. But if a 7th grade girl likes you she will write you notes, have her friends ask you if you have a gf. Once you enter the room they will start to giggle, abd look at you, then she will try to catch glimps at you but once you look back she will quickly turn and blush

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