What should I do about this boy with a girlfriend?

2007-11-14 12:17 am
Okay-so there's this guy who's a junior. I'm a sophmore but because we both do cross country and sorta tennis together we're pretty good friends. We even had a "thing" for 1 week this year--short but it still counts.

Anyway so after that apparently he still liked me but he didn't like the attention people were giving him before we even went out....

So then homecoming comes around and apparently he was going to ask me, but sadly I got asked by someone else without this knowledge...

Now he has a girlfriend in his grade-but they are an awkward couple. He and I are still good friends and we talk a lot...And I still really like him!

What do I do?

回答 (10)

2007-11-14 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
honestly just wait it out. i know u jsut wished he would be ur bf. but its better to wait it out and just enjoy ur awesome friendship then to try breaking them up because then u ruin ur friendship with him. just be there for him and enjoy ur friendship. let him coem to u for advise or watever. but if they are an akward couple, then it might not last long. and he shouldnt care wat people think about u guys going out because that isnto unnormal at all. but when ur still being his good friend u ahve to be careful to not let his gf think of u as a threat because then he has the potentional to side with her or at least she might tell him her point of view....its definatly ok for u to keep liking him and being his friend. ur turn will come
2007-11-14 12:25 am
Well, since you probably don't want him to associate you with bad stuff, like relationship drama, you keep the lines of communication open, keep being his friend, and stay out of his relationship with his gf. There's no version of "you really need to dump her and be with me" that doesn't leave you looking kind of... icky. You let that relationship run its course, while you meet other guys and stay friends with this guy. If, in time, he discovers it's you he wants to be with, he'll let you know - and you'll still be looking classy.
2016-12-16 8:52 pm
I nevertheless have fond ideas. i've got no longer seen her in some years. She hasn't replaced somewhat. She's nevertheless with the guy she left me for, in spite of the reality that she's cheated on him many situations, which comprise with me some years in the past. She has 2 daughters, the two one among which she have been given pregnant with whilst doing coke. no longer somebody i want in any respect, yet I enjoyed her. lovable as hell, great physique, and humorous. Very gorgeous.
2007-11-14 12:30 am
prove to him u still like him but not in an obvious way
2007-11-14 12:26 am
awwwe, well it's not a good idea to get invilved with another girls man, im a girl.i'd know :P
so i think maybe flirt with him and hint you liek him, but not too much around his girlfriend.

i really hope it works out and i helped you ! :)
2007-11-14 12:23 am
If he has a girlfriend, end of story. Do not, I repeat, do not go after someone else's boyfriend. You wouldn't want some chick all up after your guy, right? If they aren't meant to be together they will break up on their own terms. At least it won't be on your conscience.
2007-11-14 12:23 am
Dont do anything, wait for him to make the move
2007-11-14 12:22 am
Well, dont be offended but U made a mistake......U should just let it go or y'all might bot even be freinds anymore
2007-11-14 12:22 am
Waiting until you're in college, you'll probably find your Mr. right.
2007-11-14 12:22 am
While he has a girlfriend you can't do anything...

Sucks, but if you mess with that you could mess up any chance you may have in the future.

You guys are both still young...so i doubt this current girl will last...just wait it out and be his friend until he is free again...then go for it!

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