What do i do...?????

2007-11-14 12:10 am
I have been hurt many times by guys and i have gotten to the point where i believe that there is noone out there for me...i think i have just given up on relationships on a whole...

i am just tired of givin all of me to somone and getting so much less in return..all i want is for someone to love me as much as i love them and to be honest, committed and sincere...

am i asking too much

回答 (5)

2007-11-14 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
You aren't asking too much. I know how you feel. I am a guy but I have been hurt by every girl I've ever been involved with, except for my current girlfriend. So don't give up, the right guy is out there and you will meet him when you least expect it. I had pretty much given up on ever finding a girl who would really love me as much as I would love her. But I finally found her and you will too so don't lose hope.
2007-11-14 12:28 am
You have to learn to take a deep breath and let go and wait for the right person.

I know how it feels.
2007-11-14 12:26 am
I have been there alot lately and no your not asking to much
good advice tells me to stop trying so hard when you meet him youll know
2007-11-14 12:20 am
No you're not asking too much. However, beware when you said "someone to love me as much as I love them" because sometimes I know when girls fall in love so much they tend to sufocate the guys, guys they want their space and freedom, when you love them too much you'll probably scare them away. Just give them a distance, they'll (or you too) probably enjoy the relationship a bit more. Good Luck.
2007-11-14 12:15 am
No, you're not asking too much. maybe the guys you pick are not good enough for you or are jerks. try to pick the nice guys and not the bad boys

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